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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250165-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1985
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 18:22:21
TC Ends: 18:28:19
Duration: 00:05:58
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1985 - Color, President Reagan: Photo Op Reporting to Cabinet on Geneva Talks. 25Nov85 Reagan enters Cabinet Room to applause, bows etc. CU smiling, SOF: “You’re taking an awful chance, I might launch into reciting the cremation of Sam McGee... Walks around & sits down, cabinet sits. 18:23:22 Reagan: “It’s very good to be back, we made a good start in Geneva. I think we were, as I said last night, building on America’s strength & allied unity, & our restored military & economic situation. While we went there w/ a sense of realism I don’t think any of us expected to see that there were going to be any fundamental changes in Soviet philosophy, and there weren’t. I thought if we could start out & clear up some misunderstandings & narrow differences in the first meeting, we were the hosts, we called for 15 minutes that he & I would have together before we went into the plenary meeting. And the 15 minutes turned into an hour but I had an opportunity to tell him, & I thought he accepted this, & wanted to proceed on that same wavelength & that was where I said that I didn’t think we could ever get things done like Arms Control or anything else unless we set out to eliminate the mistrust & suspicions that existed between our peoples...arms negotiations if both sides are still suspicious then both sides are trying to protect any advantage they can. If you can really eliminate the suspicions, if you both went to the meeting seeing no particular need for maintaining this great military strength. And as I say I think he accepted that; we had a real dialogue & it did go on for an hour & we were only supposed to be there for 15 minutes. 18:25:16 “Out of the 15 minutes the timekeepers here have suggested that part of the 15 hrs of total meetings more than 5 of them were taken up in just one-on-one between us, and I think a great deal was accomplished there. We covered all the topics: Arms Control, Security Issues, Human Rights, Regional Conflicts & the bi-lateral issues & nothing was papered over or did anyone try to pretend that we had done better than we had on some where we just could not quite come together. So, as I asked last night: where do we go from here? Well he’ll come to Washington next year, & I have accepted his invitation to visit Moscow in ‘87. We have a lot of work in the meantime; we have cleared the air & I think we have a sense of the common ground. 18:26:12 “But one of the first things I told him, & I think we have agreed on, words are not going to be enough. It will take deeds to eliminate the suspicions, the mistrust on each others part but I know his closing words to me when we parted were that we just didn’t say goodbye & then meet together again sometime next year here in the United States; I got his plea then that we keep in touch, that we keep in contact on issues in the interim. So I have to believe that there at least they share w/ us in the desire to get something done & to get things straightened out. And if so that is (low sound) 18:27:22 Reporter: “Mr. President, Gorbachev said yesterday that if the US government had SDI, the Soviet government would respond and all restraint would be blown to the wind.” 18:27:34 Reagan: “Well (low level) I told him I that I hoped they would respond by going forward w/ their own research, that I thought that we should come to an agreement that which ever one of us, or if both of us, could come up w/ a defensive system, then let’s share it so that we could get rid of the nuclear weapons. 18:27:57 Reporter: “But he was talking about another arms race, did you see any softening at all? 18:28:03 Reagan: “Not on that issue, no. 18:28:07 Reporter: “Thanks. Reporters & photographers leaving. Cold War; Diplomacy; Presidential Reporting; Geneva Talks; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Credit must be given to Reagan Presidential Library NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: