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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250013-06
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1986
Country: Costa Rica,USA
Location: DC,Old Executive Office Building,Room 45,Washington
TC Begins: 03:15:46
TC Ends: 03:30:47
Duration: 00:15:01
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1986 - Color, President Reagan: Briefing for Supporters of Strategic Defense Initiative. 06Aug86 Reagan walks in to applause, at microphones on lectern w/ Casper Weinberger & others. “Greetings to Secretary Weinberger (Defense) & General Abrahamson (Director, Strategic Defense Initiative Organization), I hope you haven’t said everything I’m going to say. I am grateful to have this opportunity to speak w/ you & to thank you for all your doing to keep America in the forefront of scientific & technological change. Our country’s security today relies as much on the genius... 03:17:13 There are three stages of reaction to any new idea, as Arthur C. Clarke, a brilliant writer... 03:18:17 We are at a critical point now on national security issues, & we need your help. Many of our citizens are still unaware that today we are absolutely defenseless against the fastest, most destructive... 03:18:59 Back in 1983 I challenged America’s scientific community to develop an alternative... 03:20:02 Many people believe the answer lies not in SDI, but only in reaching arms control agreements... 03:21:15 There has been progress. There’s a serious prospect today for arms reductions....Harry Warner, of Warner Brothers film company, said when sound films first came in, ‘who the hell wants to hear an actor talk?’ (laughter). 03:22:56 Well, today we continue to negotiate w/ the Soviets, and they’re negotiating w/ us... 03:23:57 As for SDI, let me again affirm, we are willing to explore how to share its benefits... 03:25:24 Many of the vocal opponents of SDI, some of them w/ impressive scientific credentials... 03:26:02 I understand that General Abrahamson has already briefed you on the progress we’ve made... 03:27:21 Now I’ll talk about Jack Swigert, an astronaut, an American hero of the first order... 03:27:55 We & the other free people of the world are on the edge of a giant leap into the next century... 03:28:43 But our freedom & security, as we are sorely aware, depend on more than technology... 03:29:33 Just one last little incident... 03:30:15 I want to thank you all again for all you are doing... 03:30:28 Applause as he leaves podium. Cold War; Anti-Communism; Summit Conferences; Strategic Defense Initiative; SDI; Star Wars; Nuclear Weapons Reduction; Elimination; Patriotism; Religion NOTE: Speech complete except first paragraphs & middle section. Also includes Mari Maseng & Mary Anne Fackelman per Reagan list. Good quality color & sound. NOTE: Credit must be given to Reagan Presidential Library NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: