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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250013-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1986
Country: USA
Location: DC,Oval Office,Washington
TC Begins: 02:57:42
TC Ends: 03:11:35
Duration: 00:13:53
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1986 - Color, President Reagan: White House Speech To Nation On Iceland Summit. 13Oct86 Missing first 3 paragraphs: “...we deploy the treaty also allow withdrawal from the treaty upon six months notice. SDI let me make it clear, is a non-nuclear defense. So here we are at Iceland for our second such meeting. in the firs, and in the month sin between... 02:58:50 “In much of this, the Soviet Union is violating another agreement, the Helsinki accords...we also discussed regional matters such as Afghanistan, Angola, Nicaragua, & Cambodia. But by their choice the main subject was arms control... 03:03:05 So you can see we made progress in Iceland. And we will continue to make progress....for the first time in a long while, Soviet-American negotiations in the area of arms reductions are moving, & moving in the right direction (abrupt cut-off--mid-section lacking. 03:04:57 begin again: “...from both our countries. So I think then that you can see that we did make progress in Iceland on a broad range of topics. We reaffirmed our four-point agenda. WE discovered major new grounds of agreement. We probed again some old areas of disagreement. And let me return again to the SDI issue. I realize some Americans may be asking tonight: Why not accept....SDI is America’s insurance policy...brought the Soviets back to arms control talks at Geneva & Iceland... 03:07:54 But whatever the immediate prospects, I can tell you that I’m ultimately hopeful... 03:09:00 So if there’s one impression I carry away with me from these October talks... 03:09:57 As always, I was proud to spend a few moments with them... 03:10:47 Another President, Harry Truman, noted that our century had seen two of the most frightful wars... 03:11:32 Presidential Seal. Cold War; Anti-Communism; Summit Conferences; Strategic Defense Initiative; SDI; Star Wars; Human Rights; Nuclear Weapons Reduction; Elimination; Patriotism; Oval Office; NOTE: Speech complete except first paragraphs & middle section. Good quality color & sound. NOTE: Credit must be given to Reagan Presidential Library NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: