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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221252-13
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1988
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington,White House Cabinet Room
TC Begins: 15:56:40
TC Ends: 16:03:29
Duration: 00:06:49
1988 - Color, President Reagan: Cabinet Room Photo Op. w/ Congressmen re Drugs. 30Jun88 President Reagan & various Congressmen and aides around cabinet table. W/ Congressman Robet Michel, Carl Pursell, Ian MacDonald. Chit-chat around table for photographers. Man beside him talks of son who is 24 years old, free market oriented and free enterprise oriented; asks him to meet w/ him. Joking of noise of cameras like a room full of crickets. 15:58:38 Reporter: “Mr. President, were you surprised by allegations of drug use in the White House?” Reagan has says we’ve known about this and the investigation goes on. Reporter: “What should happen to those who have been, if they are proven to having used drugs?” 15:59:06 “If it is just a case of having used them I would like to see us do our best to get them into a drug treatment organization, and they would agree to accept the cure.” “So the policy is going to be to give them a second chance?” “I have always said that this is another indication of why drug testing is not bad...we’ll do our best to salvage these people who have been addicted.” 15:59:50 “Is it true Mr. President that it wasn’t your testing that caught these people, but it was actually a tip?” “I’m not commenting on the investigation, but it certainly wasn’t drug testing...” “..Shouldn’t you encourage whistle-blowers instead of drug testing?” “No, I think drug testing is the best way.” “Are you upset that it was found in the white house?” 16:00:18 Reagan: “..incidentally I’ve taken my test.” Talks about not letting the Democrats steal the drug issue for their benefit during the coming election. Also talks about seizure of airplanes and formation of task force. Republican Anti-Drug Program; Publicity; 1980s; NOTE: Use sound from CH 2 only as CH 1 has low-level noise. NOTE: Credit must be given to Reagan Presidential Library.