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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220735-04-P3
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1988,1980s
Country: England,United Kingdom,USA
Location: DC,Washington,White House
TC Begins: 16:33:04
TC Ends: 16:54:35
Duration: 00:21:31
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1988 - Color, President Reagan: State Dinner & Thatcher Toasts. 16Nov88 Pt. 3 of 4 16:44:45 Continued... Thatcher to microphone, SOF: “Mr. President, ladies & gentlemen. First, let me say a heartfelt thank you for the magnificent hospitality which you & Mrs. Reagan have extended us this evening & throughout the visit. I think we all realize this is a very special occasion & we're all delighted to be here w/ you. And thank you, too, for giving us the honor of being the first official guests in the beautifully transformed Blair House. It really is marvelous. And I would like to thank all of those who took part in doing it up. I hope Anthony Acland will forgive me for saying that it surpasses even that modest little log cabin up Massachusetts Avenue. (Laughter) 16:45:48 “Now, Mr. President, I have a particular feel this evening. You were so very generous in your remarks about me, then very kindly said that I was still going to be around. And I think the important thing about this evening is that we all want to pay a very great tribute to you for your Presidency for which we're all so grateful (applause). And I'm really rather proud that it falls to the 49th Prime Minister of the United Kingdom to pay a great tribute to the 40th President of the United States. 16:46:37 “Now that is quite historic. There haven't been many times when the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom has been Prime Minister throughout two consecutive Presidencies of the same person in the United States. Indeed there are only three of us so far. One was Pitt the Younger, who was in Number 10 Downing Street while George Washington was President. Lord Liverpool was also Prime Minister throughout the whole time of James Monroe as President. And the third one is me. (Laughter) And fortunately, I'm here to pay tribute to you, sir. 16:47:25 “And as I look back over the past 8 years of our time in office together, what I remember best -- I remember the dark days of the early part of this decade when both our countries were grappling w/ inflation & recession. You referred to it in your speech. And when you told me, at the British Embassy in 1981, that for all our economic difficulties we would be home safe & soon enough -- it's a lovely phrase. Only you could have thought of it - home safe & soon enough. We could never be wholly without economic problems, but you can rightly take tremendous pride in the 71 continuous months of expansion of the American economy. 16:48:12 “I remember, too, your brave words in the British Parliament a year later, words which have echoed round the world, when you asked a question: What kind of people do we think we are?' - and answered it by proclaiming - Free people, worthy of freedom, & determined not only to remain so, but to help others gain their freedom, too. I remember also your historic address in another ancient hall in London almost exactly 6 years later. Your report on your summit meeting in Moscow was an inspiration to all who heard it. But more than that, you gave us that day your own declaration of faith in the principles which have inspired your political life. And your words illumined the centuries of history residing in Guildhall's ancient stones.” Continued... State Visit; Special Relationship; Anglo-American Friendship; State Dinner; Praise; 1980s; Diplomacy; NOTE: Up to any continuous 11 minutes of 16:33:49 - 16:54:35 sold at per reel rate. NOTE: Credit must be given to Reagan Presidential Library. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: