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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220736-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1988
Country: USA
Location: Governor’s Island,New York
TC Begins: 18:20:18
TC Ends: 18:28:20
Duration: 00:08:02
1988 - Color, President Reagan: W/ Gorbachev, Governors Island, view Statue of Liberty. 07Dec88 Reagan, Gorbachev & Bush Sr. looking at Statue of Liberty (fourth man is interpreter). Reagan briefly talks to reporter before getting into car. 18:26:01 Gorbachev talks to reporters meeting with Bush & Reagan. 18:27:35 Reporter question re drawdown of troops in Europe (ends in middle of answer). VIP Tourists; Travel; Sightseeing; NOTE: Credit must be given to Reagan Presidential Library.