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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221252-10
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1988
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington,White HOuse Oval Office
TC Begins: 15:44:38
TC Ends: 15:47:52
Duration: 00:03:14
1988 - Color, President Reagan: W/ Jonas Savimbi & UNITA Supporters. 30Jun88 President Reagan greeting Savimbi who introduces his wife & his Vice-President; also his Secretary of Foreign Affairs. Colin Powell introduced & shakes hands w/ all. Chester Crocker stands in background. All go and sit down. Reagan congratulates Savimbi on his stunning victory & Savimbi says “Thanks to your support we are now stronger.” 15:46:10 President Reagan posing w/ large group in Oval Office. Photographer giving instructions to “turn sideways.” MCU of Reagan, Savimbi & Mrs. Savimbi. Pull back for large group. Jeremias Chitunda present. Cold War; Anti-Communism; UNITA; Anti-Marx; Rebels; Leaders; Photo Opportunity; Diplomacy; NOTE: Use sound from CH 2 only as CH 1 has low-level noise. NOTE: Can combine w/ other Reagan Library items to total up to 10 minutes for single reel price when buying more than 3 items. NOTE: Credit must be given to Reagan Presidential Library.