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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221021-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1982
Country: USA
Location: DC,New York City,United Nations,Washington,White House
TC Begins: 18:00:09
TC Ends: 18:10:49
Duration: 00:10:40
In Search of a New Understanding Part 1 Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s State Visit to America 27-31Jul82. Arrival ceremony - PM Gandhi and President Ronald Reagan make speeches. 18:00:41 Titles. Animated map shows route from India to New York. Gandhi arrives at United Nations. Unveils gift to the UN of an ancient Indian sculpture. Gandhi makes speech at presentation ceremony. Secretary General Perez de Cuellar makes speech of thanks. 18:02:53 Gandhi arrives in Washington - off plane w/ US Ambassador in India Harry Barnes - met by US Sec of State George Shultz. Brief shot of Reagan and Gandhi meeting in Mexico in 1981. 18:03:35 Crowds gathered in front of White House. Welcoming ceremony. Ronnie and Nancy Reagan down red carpet. Greet PM Gandhi on arrival by car; greets gathered dignitaries and onto podium; national anthems of India and US played as cannons fired. Military ceremony on lawn w/ parade of troops in Revolutionary uniforms playing whistles.