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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250167-16
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1952
Country: USA
Location: Chicago,Illinois
TC Begins: 23:04:36
TC Ends: 23:09:38
Duration: 00:05:02
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1952 - Politics, USA: Ike Accepts Nomination Jul52 Title. 23:04:40 Eisenhower shaking hands w/ Robert Taft posing for cameras. 23:05:01 Convention floor. 23:05:15 Senator Knowland at podium speaks, SOF: “And I wish to say to you that I know of no person who could have been selected for this high position & high honor by the Republic Party of the nation, than my junior colleague Senator Richard Nixon of California.” 23:05:42 MCU Nixon smiling & waving; delegates marching around floor. 23:05:55 Nixon & wife on podium, she gives him kiss; cheering delegates. 23:06:24 LS Eisenhower & wife on podium waving. crowd waving back. “We want Ike” chanted. Ike to microphone: “Ladies & Gentlemen, you have summoned me on behalf of millions of your fellow Americans to lead a great Crusade for Freedom in America & Freedom in the World...I have lead one. I take up this task therefore in the spirit of deep obligation...I will lead this Crusade. Our aims, the aims of this Republican Crusade are clear, to sweep from office an administration which has fastened on everyone of us the wastefulness, the arrogance & corruption in high places, the heavy burdens & the anxiety, which are the bitter fruits of a party too long in power.” Applause 23:08:55 “To achieve these aims we must have total victory; we must have more Republican in office... 23:09:28 Nixon raising Ike’s hand & waving it. 1952 Republican Candidate Selection; GOP Presidential Convention; Excitement; Cheering; Acceptance Speech; Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: