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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220539-31
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1950s,1953
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC,White House
TC Begins: 12:18:36
TC Ends: 12:20:46
Duration: 00:02:10
1953 - USA Government: President Eisenhower w/ Cabinet Posing in White House Officials in White House around table pose for pictures. Executive Branch; Politics; Publicity; 1950s; NOTE: Includes L. to R. US Amb. to UN Henry Cabot Lodge; ; Sec. of Interior Douglas McKay; ??; Vice-President Nixon; Attorney General Brownell, Jr; ??; Sec Oveta Culp Hobby; ??; ??; Labor Sec. Martin Durkin; ??; ??; Sec of State John Foster Dulles; President Eisenhower; Defense Sec. Charles Wilson; ??; Commerce Sec. Sinclair Weeks. Standing in rear ?? & Averill Harriman;