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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221600-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1958
Country: Ghana,Guinea,USA
Location: Accra,DC,Washington
TC Begins: 09:06:42
TC Ends: 09:09:59
Duration: 00:03:17
Nkrumah of Ghana w/ Eisenhower at White House; Toure of Guinea at W.H.; & Ghana ca 1958 (?) Press cameramen at front of White House. Eisenhower out w/ Kwame Nkrumah, of Ghana. Shake hands & return inside. Leaving in limousine; cameramen leaving. 09:08:02 Open limousine arriving at White House w/ Nixon & President Ahmed Sekou Toure of Guinea in middle seats & Pat Nixon & Mrs. Toure in rear. Out & past camera & press, enter W.H. & pose w/ Eisenhower & Mamie. Toure & wife w/ Nixons in back of open limousine 09:09:21 Title: Ghana. 09:09:23 Ext. Parliament House. Int. w/ setting up of U-shaped conference table; map of African countries; nailing up Libya, United Arab Republic signs. Changing road names. LS Large modern hotel (?) & MCU diplomats leaving. Int. Diplomats or members of cabinet etc. at long table talking. NOTE: Probably relates to All African People’s Conference, Accra, Ghana, 08-13Dec58. African Diplomacy; Ike;