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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221365-10
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1971,1970s
Country: USA,Vietnam
Location: DC,Washington,White House
TC Begins: 03:18:35
TC Ends: 03:27:38
Duration: 00:09:03
1971 - Vietnam War, President Nixon: Troop Withdrawal Speech, 07Apr71 Pt. 2 of 2 Continued... “I know there are those who honestly believe that I should move to end this war w/o regard to what happens to South Vietnam. This way would abandon our friends, but even more important, we would abandon ourselves; we would plunge from the anquish of war into a nightmare of recrimination. We would lose respect for this nation, respect for one another, respect for ourselves. I understand the deep concerns which been raised in this country, fanned by reports of brutalities in Vietnam. Let me put this into perspective. I have visited Vietnam many times, and, speaking now from that experience & as Commander in Chief of our armed forces I feel it is my duty to speak up for the 2 1/2 million fine young Americans who have served in Vietnam. The atrocity charges in individual cases should not & cannot be allowed to reflect on their courage & their self-sacrifice. War is a terrible & cruel experience for a nation, and it is particularly terrible & cruel for those who bear the burden of fighting. But never in history have men fought for less selfish motives. 03:21:17 “That is why it is so important how we end this war... That is why I have chartered the course I have laid out tonight: to end this war - but end it in a way that will strengthen trust for America around the world....And an America no longer divided by war but united in Peace. That is why it is so important how we end this war. By our decision we will demonstrate the kind of people we are... 03:21:55 “I can assure you tonight w/ confidence that American involvement in this war is coming to an end. But can you believe this? I understand why this question is raised by many very honest & sincere people. Because many times in the past in this long & difficult war actions have been announced from Washington w which were supposed to lead to a reduction of American involvement in Vietnam & over and over these actions resulted in more Americans going to Vietnam & more casualties in Vietnam. Tonight I do not ask you to take what I say on faith. Look at the record...” (charts shown - over-exposed) 03:23:05 “In my campaign for the Presidency I pledged to end American involvement in this war. I am keeping that pledge. And I expect to be held accountable... 03:24:06 “Every time I talk to a brave wife of an American POW...” 03:26:11 “My fellow Americans, I want to end this war in a way that is worthy of the sacrifice of Karl Taylor; & I think he would want me to end it in a way that would increase the chances that Kevin & Karl, and all those children like them here & around the world, could grow up in a world where none of them would have to die in war; that would increase the chance for America to have what it has not had in this century - a full generation of peace. We have come a long way in the last few years toward that goal...” Presidential Speeches; Vietnam War; False Ending; 1970s;