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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250006-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1973
Country: USA
TC Begins: 11:00:00
TC Ends: 11:07:15
Duration: 00:07:15
1973 - President Nixon Press Conference - NOTE: Middle East Part ONLY, 26Oct73 Press waiting, Nixon entrance & begins w/ statement on Middle East & Peace holding. 11:01:18 “We will send observers to the Mideast if requested by the Secretary General of the United Nations & we have reason to expect that we will receive such a request. 11:01:50 “A very significant & potentially explosive crisis developed on Wednesday...the Soviet Union was planning to send a very substantial force into the Mideast, a military force. 11:03:11 “....As a result of that communication...from Mr. Brezhnev...we reached the conclusion that we should jointly support the resolution which was adopted in the United Nations. 11:03:52 “...but the outlook for a permanent peace is the best that is has been for 20 years. 11:04:42 “...none of them - Israel, Egypt, Syria, none of them - can or should go thru the agony of another war. 11:05:29 “...What the developments of this week should indicate...a confrontation might lead to a nuclear confrontation, and neither of the two major powers wants that. 11:06:48 “...Turning now to the subject of our attempt to get a cease-fire on the home front, that is a bit more difficult.” (smiling & half-laughing) 11:07:01 “Today, White House Counsel contacted Judge Sirica - we tried yesterday, but he was in Boston, as you know - and arrangements were made to meet w/ Judge Sirica on Tuesday to work out the delivery... (abrupt cut - no other material useful, Nixon leaves Press Conference). NOTE: Does NOT contain portion relating to delivery of tape recordings to Sirica & appointment of Special Prosecutor. NOTE: Crease at beginning in VHS only - NOT in master.