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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221556-05
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1972
Country: France,USA,Vietnam
Location: DC,Paris,Washington
TC Begins: 04:39:17
TC Ends: 04:48:55
Duration: 00:09:38
The Nixon Years: Change Without Chaos R1 of 3 Montage: police beating demonstrators; Vietnam fighting; riots; industry; burning draft cards; Army patrolling Wshington DC streets. 04:39:52 White House zoom in across South Lawn. 1968 Republican Convention & Nixon banner raised; floor demonstration. 04:40:26 Title: The Nixon Years: Change Without Chaos 04:40:33 Nixon speaks to Convention: “I don’t promise that we can eradicate poverty & end discrimination...but I do promise action...” Agnew & Nixon & wives waving from platform. Boarding plane & inside Air Force One (Spirt of 76) w/ Kissinger. Vietnam troops; Nixon shaking hands w/ Blacks; in hospital; against pollution; crime; meeting in Oval office. Reading papers. 04:42:09 Paris, France & Kissinger & Vietnamese. Nixon meeting w/ Congressional Leadership. Nixon signing bill. Visits Vietnam & shaking hands w/ troops. Troops leaving Vietnam, crying wives greet. 04:44:13 Speaking to Nation about why can’t withdraw completely. Meeting w/ families in White House; meeting w/ Kissinger. Draft lottery set up. Signs bills. 04:45:19 Police & ambulances gather bodies on US city streets. Arrests. Display of illegal drugs seized. 04:45:59 Nixon makes joint announcement w/ Ankara, Turkey re stopping heroin. Opium poppy fields & CU. Aerial over docks; Agents seizing drugs from various sources. Dogs & customs inspecting cars, luggage. 04:47:12 “This is one area where we cannot have budget cuts because we must war...problem of dangerous drugs. W/ Moynahan looking at housing. Supermarket & food relief. Poverty & kids; women & kids picketing. Nixon meeting w/ economic advisors & talking in generalities. 04:48:32 Nixon on TV to nation: “I am today ordering a freeze on all prices & wages throughout the United States for a period of ninety days.” Visuals of Cost of Living Council he has appointed w/ Nixon speech voice over. Continued... Anti-Vietnam War; Demonstration; Police Brutality; Economics; Republican National Committee Propaganda; 1960s; 1972 Presidential Campaign Film; Note: Please credit: The Nixon Project, National Archives And Records Administration