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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221556-06
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1972
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington,Wyoming
TC Begins: 04:48:55
TC Ends: 04:58:19
Duration: 00:09:24
The Nixon Years: Change Without Chaos R2 of 3 Continued... Walking w/ ?? at White House. Pallets of crate being loaded on ship; farmers; manufacturing of cars; workers. Zoom shot from Washington Monument to Capitol. 04:49:53 Nixon 1971 State of the Union speech: “Let us share our resources; let’s share them to rescue the states & localities from the brink of financial crisis... ...most Americans today are simply fed up w/ Government at all levels.. Note head clog: 04:50:31 - 04:50:33. 04:50:36 Nixon meeting w/ Vice-President Spiro Agnew, CU of Agnew. 04:50:46 Nixon & advisors on plane; view out window. Presidential party on Jackson Lake w/ Mt. Moran in background seen from another boat. Nixon in Oval Office establishing first Environmental Protection Agency. Aerial past industrial chimneys; over mining trucks; biplane spraying; highways. 04:51:28 Nixon SOF: “Massive bussing produces inferior educationi & education is the name of the game...” talking at desk across from Ehrlichman. “...Its wrong for the White children; its wrong for the Black children...” 04:52:11 Walking on beach alone. Elderly faces. Nixon waving to audience of older people & speaks of locking Social Security to inflation & increases benefits. 04:53:01 Medical research, laboratories; hospitals. SOF 1971 State of Union calling on war on Cancer. 04:53:45 Shaking hands w/ elderly Black man in White House. Factory floor from foreman’s office; machines making boxes & furniture. Black owner Al Hollingsworth & workers. 04:54:23 Large trucks & trucking company owner J.J. Carusco who benefitd by Small Business Administration. Another factory owned by an American Indian who speaks to camera. 04:55:20 Meeting w/ two women & man in White House. Staff Assistant Barbara Franklin SOF about recruiting women for government positions. “We’ve tripled the number of women in top jobs...” 04:56:15 Crowd greeting Pres & Pat Nixon arrival on helicopter. Meets w/ teenagers after legislation lowering voting age to 18. SOF “We are certifying the 26th Amendment to the Constitution...” 04:57:00 Artist Andrew Wyeth at White House; gives Medal of Freedom to Eugene Ormandy; w/ Duke Ellington at White House as Nixon goes to piano, SOF “Ladies & Gentlemen, please don’t go away, (laughter) Duke was asking earlier if I would play...this is his birthday...sing Happy Birthday to him, in the key of G”. Continued.. Economics; Republican National Committee Propaganda; Anti-Bussing Policy; Entertainers; Arts Support; 1960s; 1972 Presidential Campaign Film; Racial Policies; Ethnic; Mexican-Americans; Latinos; Note: Please credit: The Nixon Project, National Archives And Records Administration