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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221357-28
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1972
Country: China,Russia,USA,USSR
Location: Beijing,DC,Moscow,Peking,Washington
TC Begins: 23:20:16
TC Ends: 23:29:23
Duration: 00:09:07
Richard Nixon, Portrait Of A President Pt. 3 of 3 Continued... John Ehrlichman talking about Nixon’s growing up poor. Stills of family. 23:21:49 President watching football game from grandstand & then in locker room. 23:22:15 Special Counsel Harry S. Dent talking being accused of changing after working for Nixon. Stills of Nixon & Kissinger; Air Force One & Kissinger talking on board about difference of Nixon from what he expected & talks about what Nixon’s done in terms of foreign policy. 23:24:01 Pat Buchanan talks about meeting Nixon & going to China w/ him. Nixon in China toasting & meeting w/ Premier Zhou Enlai & others; touring Great Wall. Talking at microphone giving praise to his translator, making joke. Kissinger on plane talking about how Nixon conducts business in understated way, “...His impact on foreign policy will be historic, no matter what happens. 23:25:58 Nixon motorcade into Kremlin; w/ Brezhnev. Signing agreements. Shaking hands after signing arms treaty. 23:26:30 28May72 Nixon speaks directly to Russian people w/ visuals of wreath laying previous day. Talks of seeing picture of girl & death of her family during war. Street scenes w/ pedestrian, USA & USSR flags, children. 23:28:08 Ground crew waving returning plane & crowd welcoming at airport at night. Nixon before joint session of Congress. Aerial of Capitol, Statue of Liberty, Manhattan. Nixon walking alone on beach. The End (no end title). Self-Promotion; Diplomacy; Humor; Conservative; Politics; NOTE: Please credit: The Nixon Project, National Archives And Records Administration