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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221656-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1971
Country: USA
Location: CapE Canaveral,Florida
TC Begins: 20:10:25
TC Ends: 20:34:03
Duration: 00:23:38
Space In the 70’s: Exploration of the Planets Time lapse of clouds & sun rising. Night & pan of stars. Illustrations of astronomy & universe, telescopes. Illustrations of dreams of space travel. 20:11:19 Astronaut on moon. Title: Space In the 70’s: Exploration of the Planets. 20:11:43 President Nixon visiting Mission Control Center. 20:11:58 Rocket lifting off. Animation of earth from space. Mercury passing sun. Illustration of surface of mercury. Illustration of Venus w/ spacecraft passing & surface. Illustrations of Mars; telescope shot of Jupiter & also of Saturn. Illustration of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. 20:14:23 Animation of planets aligned for single spacecraft fly-by. 20:15:01 Mariner four illustration & photographs taken of Mars surface craters & smooth surface. 20:16:28 Mariner Nine orbiter for Viking landing mission. Animation of orbit around Mars & path of camera recording pictures in 17 day orbit. Picture(s) of Mars. 20:18:11 CU man building photograph montage of Mars surface. Engineers looking at photographic prints of surface & gesturing. 20:18:40 Animation of Viking landing. Models of landers, unfolding of equipment. Pan of illustration of Mars surface. Obiter above Mars receiving signals. Illustration of planet’s surface. 20:20:07 Large telescope; illustration of planet & Mariner Ten. Animation of gravity of planets to change flight path. Illustration of TV cameras w/ telescopes contained in Mariner Ten. Psychedelic pattern of animation showing solar wind. High energy charged particles. Venus blocking sun on approach of Mariner craft. Illustrations of planet. 1969 radar map of Venus. 20:22:30 Mercury orbiting sun. Illustration. Pattern of Mariner’s high resolution pictures on planet. Time lapse of plots of passing Mariner on planet. 20:23:56 Rocket away from camera. 20:24:19 Models of space experiments; animation of astroid belt. Drawing of instruments to record various information; large telescope or microwave dish. Animation of Pioneer approaching Jupiter w/ planet’s colors; various views. 20:27:00 Pioneer model & animation seen as one Pioneer leaves solar system. Illustrations of solar system & ice crystals of possible rings. Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter & moons w/ rotation explained. Illustration animations. Jupiter use as accelerator explained. 20:31:44 Spacecraft radio antennae shown & described. Illustrations re planets; stars of Milky Way. The End. NASA; Future Space Exploration;