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Go to HomepageReel Number: 280007-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1970
Country: USA
TC Begins: 04:17:15
TC Ends: 04:42:31
Duration: 00:25:16
You Don’t Have To Buy War, Mrs Smith (opening missing) Angie Brook-Randolph (later Liberian Ambassador to United Nations) at microphone at launch of Mothers for Peace document. Bess Myerson Grant introduced & at podium in San Francisco Hilton at the 1970 World Mother’s Day Assembly of Another Mother For Peace. 04:18:06 “I have a great sense of pride sharing this day w/ all of you...” Talks about meeting w/ Senators in Washington in 1969 for a bill for peace. How now there are two wars: Vietnam & Cambodia. Discusses Kent State killings; choice of college or Cambodia etc. Calls for 18 year old right to vote. 04:21:59 “Let me tell you something about Nixon’s silent majority...the term refers to Homer and the dead...” 04:23:41 “I’ve been telling people of my city, congressional committees & others...that you don’t have to put up w/ shoddy products in the market place, and I feel the same way about shoddy policies: you don’t have to buy the cliches of peace-keeping don’t have to buy war, Mrs. Smith.” 04:28:40 Talks about disposal of nerve gas & dumping in Atlantic Ocean. Biological warfare & Defense Department research on Botulism Toxin & germ warfare; testing of gas weapons for riot control at Berkeley & lung damage. 04:30:40 Talks about white phosphorus & other bombs such as Honeywell’s anti-personnel fragmentation bomb to be used against civilians. About nuclear bombs stockpiled by USA & expansion w/ MIRV. 04:33:25 “How many times over do we have to kill everyone on God’s green earth...” Talks about South Carolina & nuclear accidents & possible transportation accidents. Map of bombs & chemical test areas in the USA. 04:35:40 “...the enemies are hunger and despair. The enemy is polluted water & polluted air...” Gives contract amounts for various defense products. 04:39:00 Compares cyclomates, thalomide, DDT being removed for safety reasons to buying war. Calls on General Motors to make a car that won’t pollute our air; other companies to get out fo the war business. 04:41:25 “...war profits are without honor in this desperate time...” Speeches; Former Miss America; Women’s Power; LIberation; Anti-War Activists; Anti-Nuclear War; 1960s; 1970s; Vietnam War; Cambodian War; Capitalism; Global Corporations; Ecology; Environment; Politics;