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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220996-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1909
Country: British East Africa,Kenya
Location: bondoni,mombassa
TC Begins: 09:07:26
TC Ends: 09:20:25
Duration: 00:12:59
TR In Africa 1909, 2 According to the TR collection, fragments of Theodore Roosevelt in Africa were released on 18Apr1910. All probably filmed in British East Africa (Kenya) in 1909. TR in colonial hat looks at box brought by Black man as others watch and photographer takes picture. TITLE: “Native amusements in Mombassa”: small Ferris wheel and carousel spinning; Swahili crowds. TITLE: “Railway trip from Kiu to Nakuro made by Col. Roosevelt”: POV from train with people on and around track & cattle grazing. Past station in desert then small station with people on platform. TITLE: “Zulu Women at Spring”: Masai (?) women and children with gourds. TITLE: “Dance of the Rainmaker”: Man in grass skirt dances with four drummers and other Africans watching. TITLE: “Natives Drawing Water from a Well”: Three men in village pulling bucket from well. TITLE “Scenes in the Kraal”: Masai herder with families sitting, herding goats into enclosure. TR on mound watches people underneath. 09:13:03 TITLE “Col. Roosevelt and his party reviewing Manoeuvres”: Men in colonial clothes and hats from back amidst Africans watching Kikuyu and / or Masai men with spears and shields dancing. Child with head dress dancing w/ crowd watching. Group dancing. TR and other men in colonial hats watching dance. Some painted faces and masks. TITLE: “Zulu Belles”: Probably Masai women walking across field in double file. Masai women crowd in a bustle. TITLE: “ Col. Roosevelt examining gun before presenting it to Chief Okawahki”: Brief shot TR w/ 3 others looking at gun. TITLE: “Camp Roosevelt - Making Camp At Bondoni”: Tents with US flag flying, two Africans warriors walk twds camera and pose. Natives rolling up tents; US flag over one; white men in background. Africans sitting by campfire as others break camp. TITLE: “Preparing Breakfast”: Canteen tent with cooking fire in front; natives. TITLE “Zulu War Dance and ceremony in Honor of Col. Roosevelt’s Visit to Africa”: Kikuyu and / or Masai warriors dancing in line towards camera with shields and spears. Other dancers in large group. TITLE: “The Roosevelt Party Crossing A Stream”: natives carry safari members across river on shoulders, others carry packs on head. 1900s / 1910s. Early Travel / Tourism. British Empire.