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1921 - Newsreel: Panama Canal; Aden & Suez Canal Aerials; Mexico Bullfight; President Harding

Reel Number: 250132-01

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1921,1920s

Country: Mexico,Panama,Yemen

Location: Aden,Mexico City,Panama Canal,Suez

TC Begins: 00:00:04

TC Ends: 00:12:21

Duration: 00:12:17

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk 1921 - Newsreel: Panama Canal; Aden & Suez Canal Aerials; Mexico Bullfight; President Harding Intertitle: Panama Canal 10 Years Old... Aerial over mouth of canal entrance, along canal; locks below w/o ships. Intertitle: “Built under most trying tropical conditions... 00:00:42 Goethals on left w/ another man, in top coat & derby hat. 00:00:52 Intertitle: 50 miles long & costing over $373,000,000... Ocean liner in locks & thru canal w/ people on deck. 00:01:18 Intertitle: In addition, 2,300 U.S. government vessels passed without toll, linking Uncle Sam’s Atlantic & Pacific fleets in one great naval unit. Locks opening, battleship entering; aerial over locks w/ smaller ships. 00:02:11 Intertitle re Gatun Spillway. Aerial above w/ heavy spill thru two raised gates. Repeat 00:02:56 Title: Aden, Arabia - First Pictures of flight over Aden...peaceful appearance of the Gibraltar of the East. Aerial over large city w/ buildings on grid. 00:03:33 Intertitle: The Gulf of Aden, at eastern end of the Red Sea, offers a waterway for the world’s commerce... Ships at entrance to the Suez Canal & anchored. Intertitle: At the other end of the Red Sea, the Suez Canal stretches its narrow gateway to the East. View on battleship in canal, other ships behind & anchored. 00:04:47 Title: Mexico City, Mexico. Ring-side seats at $88 each..championship bullfight... Crowd in line outside very large bullring, trolley past. Line moving into arena. Pan over filled seats. 00:05:35 Intertitle: President Obregon seldom misses a fight... High angle alongside limousine w/ others & entering arena. Posing. 00:06:02 Intertitle: Dusky senoritas, queens of the great contest, are given seats of honor. 00:06:07 Carriages around area waving to crowds, still photographer standing in arena. Pan line of women. 00:06:38 Intertitle: The march of the matadors... Bull into bullring, charges & gores horse. 00:07:14 Intertitle: Rodolfo Gaona, Mexico’s champion bull fighter... Bull gores another horse. 00:07:25 Intertitle: The Pathe News cameraman disregarding danger... Standing applauding crowd; MCU of Gaona receiving flowers, men wave hats & he walks around ring. CU posing w/ assistants. Title The End. 00:08:20 CU President Harding on yacht Mayflower; crew & Captain. Signaling to Navy ship nearby. 00:09:10 View out of porthole of waves; passing liner. GOOD. 00:10:29 High angle / HA sailors on deck. MCU Harding w/ ??. Ship following; Captain w/ binoculars; Harding w/ binoculars, MCU. 00:11:34 Saluting, posing w/ sailor & Captain. Mrs Harding & others posing. Travel; Imperialism; Technology; Shipping; 1920s; Sports; Bullfighting; Presidential Vacation; Presidential Yacht; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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