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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220455-10
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1920s,1921
Country: USA
Location: Louisiana
TC Begins: 01:52:43
TC Ends: 02:06:44
Duration: 00:14:01
1921 - USA, Agriculture: Cotton, Pest Control Farmer, Proctor, inspects cotton crop, looks at cotton bolls. Microscopic view of wiggling boll weevils. Farmer scratches head wondering & walks to car & drives out of field. 01:53:41 Black sharecropper family on porch, Proctor & farmer in field w/ weevil in cotton bolls. 01:54:39 Blacks picking cotton w/ Proctor; two men drive up & shake hands. Proctor walks thru treated & untreated sections of cotton showing benefit of spraying pesticide. Men talk beside large piles of cotton. 01:57:41 Men drive in three cars down dirt road. 01:57:51 Arrive at Agriculture Extension Agent’s house. They sit on crates. Men working on new equipment to dust crops; team of horses hooked up & pulling dusting machines (brief). 01:59:16 Demonstrating various hand cranked / hand-gun dusting machine in farm yard. 01:59:51 Black farm workers shake cotton plants in field to gather boll weevils in sacks for inspection after treatment; put weevils from bags into glass bottles. 02:00:25 White farmer & agriculture agent dust plants & put white sheet on ground, then cage over plant. Shake in weevils & count dead / casualties. 02:01:19 Men in farmyard sitting talking; intercut w/ labratory testing. 3 men walking thru field dusting aka spraying dust by hand sprayers. Men go from farmyard by car to inspect field of treated & untreated sections. 02:03:53 Into car & to other fields. Pan across cotton on vines. Blacks picking cotton w/ children. 02:05:25 White farmers & Extension Agent lookingat piles of cotton balls. 02:05:35 Animated line drawing of unhappy face (I didn’t use poison...) & happy face (I used poison...) 02:06:42 The End. Old South. Agriculture; Segregation; 1920s; Blacks; Field Workers; Share Croppers; Tenant Farmers; Insecticides; Technology;