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1947 ca - Color, USA: Great Lakes: Highway of Commerce Pt. 2 of 2

Reel Number: 221280-06

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1947,1940s

Country: Canada,USA

Location: Buffalo,great lakes,Mackinaw Island,New York,Niagara Falls,Ohio,Toledo

TC Begins: 11:47:02

TC Ends: 11:57:29

Duration: 00:10:27

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk 1947 ca - Color, USA: Great Lakes: Highway of Commerce Pt. 2 of 2 Kodachrome color Continued... Large ore shovel loading limestone in northern Michigan into train cars in open pit mine. Cars tilted & ore dumped into crushers, loaded into ore carrier holds. 11:48:09 CU hands w/ iron ore. Map showing iron ore location. Pan over large open pit mine in Masabi Range. Long train of ore cars & across trestles to ore dock where dumped into bins & then into ore carrier. Shots of men working, ore sliding down into ship & out into lake w/ smoke from stack. Animated map showing location of steel mills around Great Lakes. Animation showing grain, coal, ore traffic thru canals & locks of Saulte Saint Marie. MCU of bulk carrier Thomas Wilson in lock. Ships in Detroit River. Self-unloader unloading limestone. Ore carriers unloaded w/ bucket on end of vertical arm. 11:51:45 Coal unloaded & piled for burning for coke. Interior of coke mill w/ ram pushing coke into railroad car, then flushed w/ water from cooling tower to put out fire. Pan over mill. Coke, iron & limestone moved into furnace & burned. Slag flowing off into slag car. Iron moved by cars to blast furnaces & scrap iron & other minerals added. Men shoveling limestone by hand. Molten steel drained for ingots & molded then removed. Cooled & on railroad cars. Then moving for rolling. 11:53:56 Montage: Streamlined engine, car on highway, hammering nails, woman at refrigerator door. 11:54:10 Ore carrier on lake. Winter on lake and white caps around ship. Ice on rivers, Niagara Falls w/ heavy ice. Ships thru ice on lake. Ships frozen in waiting for ice breaker. Drained locks with snow around, ore docks frozen in, steel mill working w/ steam. Lake carriers docked, funnels capped. Pan across four. 11:56:16 Map w/ routes summarizing industrial middle west & connections w/ rest of US. Ore carrier past three-master ship at dock. Industry; Transportation - Shipping; Railroads; Geography; Educational Film; Manufacturing Technology; Process; 1940s; NOTE: Any one continuous minute sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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