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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250179-06
Color: Black and White and Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1961,1960s
Country: Russia,USSR
TC Begins: 00:24:21
TC Ends: 00:32:13
Duration: 00:07:52
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1961 - USSR: Gagarin First Flight To Outer Space. 12Apr61 Various shots Yuri Gagarin; getting into space suit, smiling CU, getting into bus & to rocket w/ farewells. 00:25:26 High angle / HA at base of rocket w/ military, handshakes. Walking to gantry & boarding & ascending in elevator. Entering rocket. 00:26:40 Gagarin on board rocket - equipment 00:27:34 Red Square & Moscow street scenes - clock - Gagarin in rocket - blast off - 00:28:21 Radar tracking - interior tracking station 00:28:34 Animation rocket round earth - Radio announcer - People in Moscow streets listening to broadcast. 00:29:05 Animation - tracking station interiors - Gagarin on screens -speaking to earth etc. Gagarin in capsule seen on monitor in console w/ oscilloscope (staged). 00:30:45 Animated POV over earth. Helicopter for recovery, in flight; view from boat on water & over large lake. 00:31:17 Control center; Gagarin seen as broadcast cast from capsule. 00:31:33 Color: HA, group at base of rocket ready for boarding. Korolev speaking into radio transmitter. Good rocket blast off / launching. Space Race; Cold War; Technology; Cosmonaut; Astronaut; Vostok; Firsts; Exploration; Celebrity; NOTE: Any continuous minute sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: