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Farm Fresh To You - Radiation Pasteurization Of Fresh Fruit And Vegetables
01:22:01 CU father, mother & two sons eating dinner in early 1960s kitchen / dining room. CUs as eating, talking. Mother to refrigerator & looks at spoiled strawberries for desert; pours into trash.
01:23:03 Loading dock on warehouse as man looks at crates of lettuce. Man looking thru other baskets for spoilage.
01:23:29 Black man picking fruit on ladder. Pan down vegetable display case in supermarket, packaging.
01:23:52 CU Stacking crates of strawberries in field.
01:23:59 CU Sign: United States Atomic Energy Commission & pan to buildings. Sign: US Army Natick Laboratories. Ext. of building. Map of US w/ University of Florida at Gainesville & U of California at Davis.
01:24:33 POV past buildings at Davis; fruit shed w/ sign: AEC-UC Food irradiation... Man enters.
01:24:46 Corner w/ traffic, sign: University of Florida. Man carries tray of fruit into building w/ sign Food Irradiator, Department of Food Technology & Nutrition. Plexiglass sign: Michigan State University...
01:25:04 Int. man at spreading fruit on aluminum foil, views gauges of machine.
01:25:22 Animation of fruit passing under radioactive rays “like the sun” using Cobalt 60 gamma rays. CU of animated figures representing spoilage.
01:26:28 Man moving peaches from crate to glass or plastic container & loading into chamber & lowered into water shield. CU strawberries. Comparing 8 days in refrigerator & spoiled untreated berries w/ mold.
01:27:30 Woman in chemical lab measuring residual vitamin C. Crushing, color & vibration tests.
01:28:33 Wholesale market & trucks w/ fruits & vegetables.
01:28:53 Taste testing, aroma samples & slicing strawberries, testing in booths. Marking data sheet.
01:29:54 Picking strawberries in field. CU of baskets of strawberries, CU tomatoes, bags of onions. Man picking oranges (brief). Examples of other fruits.
01:30:41 Peppers, lettuce & others in display case. General map of world & zoom in on Hawaii.
01:31:00 Tropical plants, papayas on tree. Mango trees & fruit cut open. Picking bananas & loading, crating.
01:32:14 Man loading irradiation machine w/ tomatoes, oranges. Montage of lab workers testing, instrument readouts.
01:32:53 Men sorting potatoes, bagging. Display of vegetables & woman eating sample.
01:33:20 Large field of strawberries & many pickers. CUs strawberries & loading into machine.
01;33:37 Loading trucks at wholesale market, leaving past West Side Highway, NYC (brief), on road.
01:33:51 CU strawberry desert served. The End.
Food Preservation; Atoms For Peace; Atomic Energy; Scientific Research; Science; Agriculture; Economics; Shelf-Life; 1960s; Educational Film; Promotional Film; Americana;
NOTE: Any continuous ten minutes sold at per reel rate.
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at:
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Farm Fresh To You - Radiation Pasteurization Of Fresh Fruit And Vegetables 01:22:01 CU father, mother & two sons eating dinner in early 1960s kitchen / dining room. CUs as eating, talking. Mother to refrigerator & looks at spoiled strawberries for desert; pours into trash. 01:23:03 Loading dock on warehouse as man looks at crates of lettuce. Man looking thru other baskets for spoilage. 01:23:29 Black man picking fruit on ladder. Pan down vegetable display case in supermarket, packaging. 01:23:52 CU Stacking crates of strawberries in field. 01:23:59 CU Sign: United States Atomic Energy Commission & pan to buildings. Sign: US Army Natick Laboratories. Ext. of building. Map of US w/ University of Florida at Gainesville & U of California at Davis. 01:24:33 POV past buildings at Davis; fruit shed w/ sign: AEC-UC Food irradiation... Man enters. 01:24:46 Corner w/ traffic, sign: University of Florida. Man carries tray of fruit into building w/ sign Food Irradiator, Department of Food Technology & Nutrition. Plexiglass sign: Michigan State University... 01:25:04 Int. man at spreading fruit on aluminum foil, views gauges of machine. 01:25:22 Animation of fruit passing under radioactive rays “like the sun” using Cobalt 60 gamma rays. CU of animated figures representing spoilage. 01:26:28 Man moving peaches from crate to glass or plastic container & loading into chamber & lowered into water shield. CU strawberries. Comparing 8 days in refrigerator & spoiled untreated berries w/ mold. 01:27:30 Woman in chemical lab measuring residual vitamin C. Crushing, color & vibration tests. 01:28:33 Wholesale market & trucks w/ fruits & vegetables. 01:28:53 Taste testing, aroma samples & slicing strawberries, testing in booths. Marking data sheet. 01:29:54 Picking strawberries in field. CU of baskets of strawberries, CU tomatoes, bags of onions. Man picking oranges (brief). Examples of other fruits. 01:30:41 Peppers, lettuce & others in display case. General map of world & zoom in on Hawaii. 01:31:00 Tropical plants, papayas on tree. Mango trees & fruit cut open. Picking bananas & loading, crating. 01:32:14 Man loading irradiation machine w/ tomatoes, oranges. Montage of lab workers testing, instrument readouts. 01:32:53 Men sorting potatoes, bagging. Display of vegetables & woman eating sample. 01:33:20 Large field of strawberries & many pickers. CUs strawberries & loading into machine. 01;33:37 Loading trucks at wholesale market, leaving past West Side Highway, NYC (brief), on road. 01:33:51 CU strawberry desert served. The End. Food Preservation; Atoms For Peace; Atomic Energy; Scientific Research; Science; Agriculture; Economics; Shelf-Life; 1960s; Educational Film; Promotional Film; Americana; NOTE: Any continuous ten minutes sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: