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1974 ca. - Color, USAF Aircraft: A-10 Firing Weapons & Tank & Truck Targets Hit

Reel Number: H1001-08

Color: Colour

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1970s,1974

Country: USA


TC Begins: 10:57:50

TC Ends: 11:06:19

Duration: 00:08:29

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk 1974 ca. - Color, USAF Aircraft: A-10 Firing Weapons & Tank & Truck Targets Hit Aerial MS A-10 in flight r. to l. firing GAU-8/A 30mm gatling gun. 10:58:06 MCU nose during gatling gun firing above cloud. 10:58:21 Leader 10:58:23 MS alongside & slightly back firing over mountains at lower angle. 10:58:40 MS alongside & slightly ahead firing over mountains. 10:59:26 Aerial alongside A-10 approaching boom of KCA-135 for refueling; view from A-10 & from refueling plane. 10:59:48 Alongside A-10 firing missile from wing. 11:00:05 End, leader. 11:00:36 A-10 w/ weapons taxiing over camera. 11:00:46 Loading bombs, missiles & rockets on A-10; CUs faces. 11:01:16 Airman loading 30mm shells onto belt & into plane. 11:01:38 Pilot up ladder to cockpit. 11:01:45 Beneath A-10 firing 30mm gatling gun. Ground shot, slow motion, of shells hitting around tank marked T-2 & hitting dirt & tank. GOOD. 11:02:00 Beneath A-10 firing 30mm gatling gun. Truck target on ground w/ dust exploding; hit & flames. 11:02:15 Leader 11:02:40 LS tanks parked as targets on desert, pan to other targets of truck & tanks w/ mountains behind. Slow-motion of A-10 approaching, firing rocket & large explosions w/ flames of burning tanks. 11:03:51 Repeat. Hits on tank seen from above. Tank in circular target marking exploding in flames from air & from ground. Helicopter aerial over burning tank; ground shots of burning & exploding tank. LS of row of tanks. 11:05:26 Aerial over burning tank in target circle. 11:05:38 Ground shots of target tanks w/ numbers. Before & after hits. Cold War; Warthog Weapons Testing; 1970s; Technology; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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