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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220971-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1980s
Country: England,United Kingdom
Location: Warton
TC Begins: 08:00:10
TC Ends: 08:04:50
Duration: 00:04:40
1980s - Color, England, Military Aviation: European EAP Fighter Jet Aircraft Factory, Warton Unedited rushes Unid. fighter jet aircraft construction - shots cockpit, instruments, dials. CUs. 08:01:21 Pan to factory floor with partially completed aircraft. 08:02:37 CU tail insignia EQP. No. ZF 534 on tail. 08:02:58 Front view w/ small stabilizing wings (?) visible; air intake beneath fuselage. 08:03:26 View from rear 08:03:47 Model of completed aircraft with flags of participating nations behind. 08:04:07 CU insignia / logo made of color of national flags. 08:04:22 Exterior hangars at British Aerospace. Jet fighter on tarmac; mechanics lower canopy cover. 1980s; Military; British Aerospace; Experimental Technology; NOTE: The ZF534 first flew on 08Aug86 & was the sole EAP aircraft built. It tested various systems for the Typhoon fighter.