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1984 - Color, Cold War: USAF LANTIRN Navigation & Weapons Testing

Reel Number: 250196-11

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1984,1980s

Country: USA,USSR

Location: California,Edwards AFB,Ohio,patterson aFb,wright

TC Begins: 13:22:03

TC Ends: 13:30:06

Duration: 00:08:03

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk 1985 - Color, Cold War: USAF LANTIRN Navigation & Weapons Testing SOF: T minus 20 seconds & counting, LS of space shuttle on rocket & lift-off / launching. Shuttle in flight simulation. Title: Air Force Now - Tomorrow’s Air Force. 13:23:10 Black actor, Herbert Jefferson Jr., SOF to camera talks of role in Battleship Galactica. 13:23:51 POV from F-16 fighter jet flying through forested canyon using LANTIRN, Low Altitude Navigation & Targeting Infrared System For Night. Plane from another. Flight screen in plane showing landscape w/ position. Director of LANTIRN test force Richard L. Engle, 6510th Test Wing, explains elements of system. 13:24:43 POV F-16 approaching coast & canyon over highway bridge & up canyon. MS flying above F-16; pilot’s screen of terrain. 13:25:03 Telephoto shot of B-1 bomber taking off thru heat towards camera; CU hand on controls, instrument panel. ECU of nose toward camera in flight & passing above. Maintenance Manager Chief Master Sergeant Herbert Robinson SOF tells of onboard computer that monitors any problem. Overhead of B-1 taxiing. Aerial alongside F-15; instrument panel switches, hands throws switch; screen of plane hit & breaking up. F-16 AFTI w/ AFTI system of additional set of small wings beneath front visible. 13:26:46 High Angle / HA of Grumman X-29 taxiing on tarmac. 13:27:00 CU Airwoman at AMRAAM (main frame computer) (or AMRAM?) watching screen. Civilian woman says, SOF: “That was a good run I’ll tell...satisfactory.” 13:27:18 Lt. Kathy Bailey a test engineer. SOF explains her job testing, visual loading rockets & plane taxiing. Computer technicians talking in CU w/ computer screen out of focus. 13:27:51 F-15 in flight l. to r.; engineers at computer screens in control facility. 13:28:25 Three Russian MIGS , CU Soviet pilot, hand on controls. 13:28:31 USAF jet firing rocket / missile l. to r. slow motion; rocket in flight. Drone fighter hit; guided bomb hitting target on ground & exploding. VERY GOOD EXPLOSIONS. 13:28:56 Cluster bombs released, opening & explosives on ground bursting. Runway buster released & hitting ground; various guided & sensor fuzed weapons in flight & exploding. Various others fired, AGM hitting tank on ground & exploding. 13:29:30 Montage of rockets & missiles firing, hitting targets & bursting in flames. Bombs; Guided Missiles; Engineering; Weapons Technology; Experimental Aircraft; NOTE: X-29, only 2 built, first flew in 14Dec84, testing discontinued in 1991. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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