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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220531-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1994,1990s
Country: Philippines,Russia,USA
Location: Great Lakes, Michigan, Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville Alabama,Kamchatka peninsula,Pacific,Philippines, Mindanao
TC Begins: 05:30:24
TC Ends: 05:53:58
Duration: 00:23:34
1994 - Colour, NASA: Space Shuttle, STS-68 Mission Highlights, Activities. 30Sep-11Oct94 Pt 3 of 4 Title: Space Radar Laboratory - SRL-2 Activities and Earth View 05:30:2? MOS Ext. lab w/ earth in background. 05:30:4? SOF Jones explains work of Space Radar Lab, science goals, global change - global warming etc. 05:32:10 Jones shows video showing exterior & radar arms in payload bay, Canadian arm; explains changing data tapes of 52 TB; 14,000 photos will be taken; computer orienting cargo bay radar; pollution sensors recording carbon monoxide beneath during orbit to compare w/ previous missions to see ecology changes, climate, deforestation, volcanic activity. 05:38:1? Baker w/ cameras photographing out of overhead window. 05:38:42 Kliuchevskoi volcano on the Kamchatka peninsula from space. Side view w/ ash plume. 05:39:43 CU picture being received in Houston of Kamchatka peninsula & Baring Sea. 05:40:15 Views of volcano from SRL w/ pull back to show Earth horizon, part of lab wing visible top of screen. 05:40:42 Data / live pictures as received in Houston as lab passes over Great Lakes & Michigan Ground site. 05:41:04 Payload operations control center at Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville Alabama & received photos. 05:41:53 Wisoff changes digital beta tape on board lab. 05:42:13 Data as received by Houston as lab passes over Sahara desert Northwest Africa . 05:43:04 Data as received Houston as lab passes over coast of Japan, Hokkaido Island & Sea of Japan & explained. 05:44:29 Data as received Houston as lab passes over Great Lakes region & explained reason for studying. 05:45:42 Data as received Houston as lab passes over volcanoes on Galapagos Islands 05:46:09 Thomas changing tape in shuttle. Moving pix exterior of lab as passes over Sahara w/ radar picture beneath surface superimposed to show how it picks up geological features otherwise invisible. 05:47:03 Jones & Bursch film out of windows. Earth curve - Pacific Ocean, Philippines, Mindanao Island. 05:48:0? MOS Smoke plumes from Australian fires 05:48:25 MOS Good shot earth curvature - ocean. 05:48:38 MOS Fires and smoke plumes Brazil. 05:49:16 MOS Earth limb of lab. GOOD. 05:49:32 MOS California coastline looking south, San Francisco Bay, Half Moon Bay. Zoom in to San Francisco Bay; sun glinting off Gulf of Cortez, Southern Baja Peninsula and Pacific Ocean. 05:50:36 MOS Bursch filming out of side window - camera floated over to him. 05:50:59 MOS Southern Chesapeake Bay, Cape Hatteras, Pimlico Sound, sun glint on Atlantic Ocean. West Coast of South America, Chile, Andes Mountains. 22:52:1? SOF Canadian provinces of Quebec & Newfoundland from payload bay of orbiter. 05:52:51 SOF Interior lab - crew filming. 05:53:19 MOS Earth curvature, Atlantic ocean. Orbit sunset. Science; Scientific Data; Astronauts; Space Exploration; Explorers; Technology; NOTE: Flight crew - Michael A Baker, Commander; Terrance W Wilcutt, Pilot; Thomas D Jones, Payload Commander; Peter J.K. Wisoff, Daniel W Bursch & Steven L Smith, Mission Specialists. NOTE: Any continuous 15 minutes of 05:00:10 - 05:58:45 sold at per reel rate.