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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220531-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1995,1990s
Country: USAOuter Space
Location: Edwards Air Force Base California,Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas
TC Begins: 05:54:00
TC Ends: 05:58:45
Duration: 00:04:45
1994 - Colour, NASA: Space Shuttle, STS-68 Mission Re-entry, Landing. 11Oct94 Pt 4 of 4 Title: Entry And Landing. 05:54:0? SOF Starboard pay load bay doors closing. Flight deck operations during maneuvers, re-entry flames visible thru windows. 05:55:40 Ext shots of Endeavor Space Shuttle as approaches landing area. Heat haze on touchdown landing at Edwards Air Force Base California. Drag parachute deployed & nose drops on runout; drag chute jettisoned & shuttle stops. 05:57:42 Flight control room Johnson Space Center - flight director at console watching landing video. Commander at console, SOF. End logo. Science; Scientific Data; Astronauts; Space Exploration; Explorers; Technology; 1990s; NOTE: Flight crew - Michael A Baker, Commander; Terrance W Wilcutt, Pilot; Thomas D Jones, Payload Commander; Peter J.K. Wisoff, Daniel W Bursch & Steven L Smith, Mission Specialists. NOTE: Any continuous 15 minutes of 05:00:10 - 05:58:45 sold at per reel rate.