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225,000 Mile Proving Ground - The Headline Story Of Railroad Research

Reel Number: 220375-03

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1950s

Country: USA

Location: Chicago, IL

TC Begins: 01:37:15

TC Ends: 01:55:10

Duration: 00:17:55

225,000 Mile Proving Ground - The Headline Story Of Railroad Research American Association of Railroads, Dudley Picture Corp. 01:37:35 Runby of streamlined passenger train w/ steam engine. Int. of dining car, observation car. Runby of freight trains pulled by diesel & steam. Coal cars & othes. 01:38:11 Covered wagons past. Early railroad engines from RR Pageant. 01:38:42 Door: Feature Chief E.D. Gillespie. Turns & talks to camera “..to get the story behind the story..of railroads...” 01:39:13 Research & testing. Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago. Central Research Laboratory. meeting. Testing of rails, chemistry lab, microscopes. 01:40:14 Slow POV along track in desert. Cas past looking at wheels. Equipment & men laying track w/ crane on car. Machine used to pound nails into ties. Machines dig balast under rails. Other ballast dug, cleaned & replaced. Mechanized ballast tampers. 01:42:33 Rail detector car from outside & POV inside along rails. Location marked. 01:42:58 Over view of Diesel passenger train. POV from in front of diesel pulling freight train across deset. Man at desk talking about improvements. 01:43:48 Diesel electric locomotive out of round-house & pulling freight in runby. Another pulling passenger. New Haven Electric past. Streamlined diesel pulling freight across country. Union Pacific engine on turntable w/ Rocky Mountains behind. 01:45:19 Freight car runbys. Steam engine pulling train of test cars. Men inside watching instruments. Wheel test car; break testing in laboratory on testing dynamometers. Machine to drop test draft gear on couplings. Forklift loading freight cars, flatcars. Testing packaging & breakage. Freight car adapted for testing impact effect on cargo. 01:48:52 Freight cars thru snowscape. Testing refrigeration. Laboratory & in freight cars w/ special recording equipment installed. Doors shut & sealed. Freight yard. 01:50:24 Loading of ice into two lines of cars at once. Man at desk introducing signals. 01:50:57 Steam runby w/ freight. Man climbing signal tower. Slow POV along track waiting for block signal, lights change. Central traffic control booth, clock & man changing levers setting signals & setting switches. Streamline engine off to side. LS of freight yards w/ hump system of making up trains. Cars seen rolling from control tower. More freight yard shots. Large passenger terminal. 01:54:03 Man at desk. Train run over camera. The End. Promotional Film; Educational Film; Transportation - Railroads; RR;

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