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Aerospace Medical Research Center

Reel Number: 221452-09

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1980s

Country: USA

Location: afb,Ohio,Wright patterson

TC Begins: 08:32:00

TC Ends: 08:39:24

Duration: 00:07:24

Montage of medical related images, tests, printouts, man putting on helmet. 08:32:32 Sign: Aerospace Medical Research Center, pan to Capt. Mike Slater who walks into picture talking. 08:32:44 Air Force Now title sequence. 08:32:53 Large centrifuge (dynamic environment simulator) capable of producing acceleration up to 20G’s. SoF Interview w/ Dr. Dana Rogers re accelerations in high agility aircraft. Pilot strapped into centrifuge, simulating Vector 4 aircraft. Control room; MCU of pilot. Spinning centrifuge watched by control room as pilot tries to manuever gun sight while moving in three dimensions. 08:34:12 Research lab dealing w/ placement of controls, computer graphics, Dr. Joe McDaniels describes on CombiMan, a simulated pilot whose parameters (size, etc.) can be changed & manipulated. Combiman shown in crew station in varying sizes to design new stations. 08:35:41 Tracking lab; voice commands given to computer. Voice control system demonstrated. Scientist demonstrating system. Helmet mounted display screen for pilots shown in use over mountains. 08:37:46 Vertical Deceleration Tower explained as used to test restraint system; escape seat for F-111 escape capsule tested in 10G environment. Capsule raised eleven feet; during impact will move subject an additional four feet. Experiment shown & volunteer asked what he was thinking about: “How high you are up, how hard you’re going to hit & how scared you are!” Would you do it again? “Next week.” Equipment Testing; Air Force Pilots; Technology;

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