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Air Force Now - Solar Observatory Station at North West Cape

Reel Number: 220345-03

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1980

Country: Australia

Location: North West Cape

TC Begins: 09:08:56

TC Ends: 09:13:06

Duration: 00:04:10

Air Force Now - Solar Observatory Station at North West Cape Sunrise & solar flares. Large radar dish w/ sunshine coming through. Learmonth Solar Observatory Station in North West Cape, Australia seen from ground & air - run by Air Weather Service. Capt. Ken Eis SOF to camera. 09:09:55 MCU Australian & American flags side by side. Data storage tape, inside observatory at console w/ map on wall. Man plotting data; machines & data being printed. Solar flares. 09:10:53 Australian physicist, David Cornelius, SOF explains difference between optical telescope & radio telescope: Radio dish antenna raised. Analyst monitors chart. Images from optical telescope - sun surface & flares. 09:11:38 Data on screen; plotting, sending out data on computer. Office in US receiving data. Drawing chart on blackboard in office. Maintenance work on radio telescope. Flares & radar views on monitors. Views of telesopes. Technology; Military Weather Forcasting; 1980ca;