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Air Force Now - Your Air Force

Reel Number: 220423-07

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1988

Country: USA

Location: ALASKA

TC Begins: 17:33:47

TC Ends: 17:41:16

Duration: 00:07:29

Air Force Now - Your Air Force Title Sequence (broken glass type) 17:34:17 Hanger door opens, pilots scramble. Montage various aircraft in flight: taking off, fighter jets, bombers, landing, B1-B bomber, 1970’s Jet aircraft taxiing. Maintenance crews - ground crews; VO re lack of funding. 17:35:59 Montage: ca 1981 - 1988 military aircraft. 17:36:24 Title: Your Air Force (over two fighter jets taking off from above). 17:36:32 Cont. two planes take off, man at control console calls F-15 aircrew scramble, King Salmon, Alaska. 4-motor propellor Russian bomber in flight - US jets escorting him - pilot takes photograph out of window. Newsreaders reporting interception of Russian bomber off Alaska. US fighters escorting USSR bomber. 17:37:32 USAF F-15 jets take off w/ after burners. 17:38:03 CU pilot in cockpit after another fighter; computer display in exercise. F-15s in flight; on ground. Air to ground missiles launched - explosions. Surface to Air (SAM ) missiles launched. 17:38:40 Capt. Paul Smith to camera re need to maintain air superiority. Rear view as four jets take off. F-15s in flight & maneuvering. Cockpit shots, tracking target plane on visor computer screen. Missile launched from plane, hit & explosion. 17:40:17 F-16 take off, CU cockpit & instruments, dropping bombs, firing Sparrow missiles, firing AMRAM (advanced medium range air to air missile). Continued... Military Budgets; Costs; Economics; Technology; Propaganda; Promotion; Cold War;

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