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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220373-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1970s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 02:01:00
TC Ends: 02:10:57
Duration: 00:09:57
Air Force Systems Command Staff Film Report 301: The Engineering Force Pt. 1 of 2 Aerospace science & uses of computers in engineering 02:01:29 Industrial drawing, Space Shuttle & rocket launched. Engineer reflected on computer screen w/ CAD stylus & bomber airplane on screen. Large radar; B-52 launching missile, rocket launch. Insignia AFSC. Engineers at electronic machines. Fighter jet. Tanker plane refuels fighter mid-air. 02:02:45 Montage: CUs testing jet thrust, pressing buttons, electrical graph, engineers, people by machines & screens, in lab, at computers, data storage tapes, & much unidentified technological equipment; laser; plane model; aeronautical and astronautical engineering, electronics. 02:03:50 Computer graphic map of USA w/ locations of AFSC. Men in lab at physics experiment w/ laser. Jet engines in warehouse. Montage: ?? take off; A-10s in flight; transport landing; F-15 Eagle takeoff & in flight. 02:05:19 F-16 on ground. B-1 bomber on runway. 02;05:50 Large jet engine & rotor. Management meetings. Plane being built. llustrations future aircrafts. 02:06:24 AFTI Program - AFTI / F-16 & flaps moved by digital fly-by-wire (DFBW) electronic system - computer animation show new maneuvers possible w/ this technology. 02:07:08 Plane acrobatics - 360 degrees horizontal rotation. Officers do paperwork in office; large manuals. 02:08:08 CU man w/ headset. Voice command recognition testing: data & view of plane on computer screen responds to orders readying & arming bombs. 02:09:06 B-52 taking off; fighter planes take off. 02:09:46 Two men study miniature turbine engine replica. Actual turbine tested. Engineers at computers. Experiment w/ water to simulate flow fields around aircraft. Workshop. Continued... Military Technology; 1970s; Information Film;