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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221264-09
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1969
Country: USA
Location: Houston,SPACE,Texas
TC Begins: 14:05:46
TC Ends: 14:20:39
Duration: 00:14:53
Apollo 12: Pinpoint For Science Pt. 2 of 2 Still of Bean leaving Lunar Module. Video, tube burned out. Still w/ flag; other stills setting up the ALSEP experiment station equipment to leave behind powered by nuclear energy; to measure solar wind; magnetic field; seismometer & data station. 14:08:30 Stills of collecting geologic samples; drilling core tube. Pan around moon surface. View from Yankee Clipper w/ Dick Gordon. 14:10:14 Descending labor for second walk, flag in background; both seen at foot of ladder briefly. Stills & film. Bean runs out to ALSEP. Pan around, taking samples from craters. View of Surveyor 3 sitting on floor of crater & pick up camera from it, 14:13:52 Bean re-entering LM & Conrad following. Engineers w/ stop watch. View of moon receding & view of LM by Dick Gordon & Yankee Clipper. Vehicles come into dock. 14:15:59 Three in Command Module; jettisoning Lunar Module & its falling away to moon surface. Men in Houston Control watch & see the seismograph print out for more than 55 minutes. VO statement by Maurice Ewing. CU seismograph; stills of Fra Mauro. Engineers waiting for Apollo XII changing orbit. Earth blocking out sun w/ corona. Heat shield lights seen from in Command Module. 14:18:35 Module floating w/ frogmen & life rafts around. Out of helicopter w/ breathing masks. Opening case w/ moon rocks. ALSEP on moon. Description of its functioning by various scientists. Various moon surface shots. Exploration; Technology; Space Race; 1969 Moon Landing; 1960s;