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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221264-07
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1968
Country: USA
Location: Houston,SPACE,Texas
TC Begins: 13:42:11
TC Ends: 13:52:05
Duration: 00:09:54
Apollo 8 - Go For TLI Pt. 2 of 2 24Dec68 Message from astronauts of their feelings of the moon, view of moon rim. “Good night, good luck, a merry Christmas & God bless all of you, all of you on the good earth.” Crew in capsule, flashlight twisting in zero gravity. Technicians waiting for Apollo VIII to come back into radio range. Engineers, scientists. 13:44:23 Homeward bound astronauts floating around in capsule. Christmas tree in Control Room. 13:45:06 Engineer eating hamburger. Astronauts doing work, floating. 13:46:11 Final television transmission. CU engineers. 13:47:12 Diagram of jettisoning service module & turned to enter atmosphere, red hot. View inside capsule w/ heat outside on heatshield. Tracking aircraft pictures of small dot. Engineers waiting in CU MCU. 13:48:40 Engineers make contact after re-entry. View of recovery on deck of carrier. Astronauts in doorway of helicopter. Flags passed out & applauding in Houston control room. Everyone smoking cigars, handshakes. 13:50:36 Night shot over earth w/ astronaut “In the beginning, God created the Heaven & the earth...” Views of moon surface & view over moon w/ earth in sky (may be supered). Zoom in on earth in space (still?) Exploration; Technology; Space Race; 1960s;