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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221526-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1968
Country: USA
Location: Fermi Laboratory,Illinois,OAK RIDGE,Tennessee
TC Begins: 01:01:03
TC Ends: 01:15:41
Duration: 00:14:38
Aerial clouds boiling, water over falls, wheat harvesting, huge open pit coal mining machine, aerial over refinery. CU of ??. Universe w/ stills animated. 01:02:09 Unloading ore carrier onto conveyor belts, CU shovel moving coal & dumping. Aerial over open pit mine. POV around ship hull in harbor, atomic merchant ship Savannah in harbor to refuel at dusk after five years at sea. Men moving atomic fuel w/ crane, loading into reactor. 01:03:58 POV past men working robotic hands. MCU of man. 01:04:21 Title: The Atom... Year of Purpose. 01:04:43 MCU Man putting ?? into glass container. CU men working in atomic research laboratory; at control panels. Loading mock-up plutonium cores. Electrical power station. Aerials over nuclear power plants in construction & completed plants. 01:06:30 Pan over large reactor by ocean. Experimental Breeder Reactor No. 2 in Idaho. Interior w/ several men working, large cavernous operating room. 01:07:10 Reactor Plant 767 on side of building. Pan over snow beside large building. Zero Plutonium reactor & men w/ mock up cores loading. 01:07:53 Men working on Molten Salt Reactor experiment. Man at control panel; Glenn Seaborg at reactor controls, watching gages. Motlen Salt Reactor fueled w/ Uranium 233 for first time. Thorium in tray pulled out & moved; various metallic chips in ceramic (?) containers on pallet. 01:09:14 View down dam spillway; salt desert w/ sage brush & other. Ditch & irrigation. Model of reactor w/ large complex in desert setting & description of products. 01:10:36 Irrigation canal. Field & irrigating. Large open pit mine. Tilt dumping large car of uranium ore; mining; drilling rig in desert. Man on derrick & men working controls. Conveyor taking ore out of mine. Large settling (?) tanks; man working with yellow uranium at large roller. Cask of U-235 moved into reactor. POV along Oak Ridge plant. Man at scale weighing ?? Aerial of AEC Oak Ridge gaseous diffusion plants. Truck w/ uranium casks strapped down. 01:12:39 Men at conference table signing contract, shake hands. CU Capitol. Int. of hearing room. Capitol in LS. 01:13:17 Scientist looking thru microscope; holding small atomic container, working on tiny wires, discussing miniature heart regulator or pacer. Man assembling. Atomic fuel capsule inserted. Testing performance. Man w/ stop watch; other instruments. 01:14:39 Animation of atomic activity & nucleus of atom. 01:15:01 Camera over top of particle accelerator. Engineers & technicians at various controls. People walking in snow along road at Fermi lab to ground breaking ceremonies in tent for 200 billion electron volt accelerator. Continued... Government Atomic Energy Propaganda; 1968; 1960s; Technology; Thermal;