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EMF Pt. 2 of 2

Reel Number: 221671-14

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1962

Country: USA

Location: Massachusetts

TC Begins: 02:49:37

TC Ends: 02:58:58

Duration: 00:09:21

EMF Pt. 2 of 2 Professor Nathaniel H. Frank of Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lecture film. Measuring joules needed for 24 division deflection of thermocouple meter. Weights dropped & energy dissipation measured. Heating element connected to switch & battery. Heating element then put between copper cylinders to measure the deflection. Resistors shown & explained. Electromotive Force of battery explained. EMF measures chemical energy stored in battery & measures amount stored. “Any such device which supplies energy w/ help of electric charges is considered a seat of EMF though EMF is not stored.” 02:56:25 Bicycle attached to a generator to generate energy (that isn’t stored at all) but EMF is measured. Physics; Boring Dry Lecture; University; Experiments;

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