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Holland (Traffic Police Cameras Demonstrated, Sep56)

Reel Number: 221601-35

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1956

Country: Netherlands

Location: Holland

TC Begins: 11:32:40

TC Ends: 11:33:35

Duration: 00:00:55

Holland 11:32:42 Police car outfitted w/ cameras & photo flash on roof. MCU of two still cameras - one general, one for close ups. CU Finger on button, CU flash on roof firing. CU dashboard mounted speedometer. 11:32:58 POV from rear seat, inside car as oncoming three cars passing, filling road. CU picture of incident w/ Volkswagen swerving. Points out license plate in ECU. Picture of making illegal turn. 11:33:23 MS driver in police station shown picture. Evidence; Technology; Traffic Policemen; Traffic Safety; Law Enforcement; Sep56; 1956; Netherlands;