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Iraq War - Color, 2003, Operation Iraqi Freedom: B-2 Spirit Operations. 13-22Mar03

Reel Number: H0873-22

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 2003,2000s

Country: Iraq,USA

Location: Missouri,Whiteman AFB

TC Begins: 11:05:34

TC Ends: 11:14:26

Duration: 00:08:52

Iraq War - Color, 2003, Operation Iraqi Freedom: B-2 Spirit Operations. 13-22Mar03 13Mar03 B-2 Spirit. Night w/ Stealth aircraft in hanger w/ door open; view of bombs in bomb bay w/ doors open. 11:05:56 CU & pullback of center of landing gear. 11:06:07 Black 11:06:17 14Mar03 Night LS B-2s on flight line, preparing to taxi, crew arrive by van, pilots thru windows. Ground crew removing power units / hoses. 31087 prepared for flight. MCU men looking into plane. Pilot w/ bag on tarmac. ground crew. 11:09:31 B-2 signaled to begin taxiing. 11:09:41 Black 11:09:51 20Mar03 B-2 no 21066 in hanger w/ maintenance crew around & bombs on cart; men working. Spirit of America on wheel cover. 11:10:12 Armament crewmen working on bombs & in bomb bay compartment. Supervisor checking bombs & plane. Ventilation hose attached to plane. 11:12:00 Black 11:12:10 21Mar03 Night, LS B-2 taxiing out of hanger; Spirit of Kitty Hawk. 11:12:21 Spirit of Ohio B-2 in hanger taxiiing out & lined up on flight line. 11:12:50 Planes begin taxiing, waiting. 11:13:15 Black 11:13:25 22Mar03 Operator on bomb-loader w/ large JDAM bomb; another passing. CU bombs rotating on rack in bomb bay compartment. Men moving bombs into place to load. Closing bomb bay; pilot in plane thru window. Military Invasion; 2000s; USAF Stealth Technology; Munitions; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate.