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Iraq War - Color, 2003, Operation Iraqi Freedom: J-STARS Briefing & E-8 Taxiing. 20Apr03

Reel Number: H0873-20

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 2003,2000s

Country: Iraq,USA


TC Begins: 11:00:06

TC Ends: 11:02:23

Duration: 00:02:17

Iraq War - Color, 2003, Operation Iraqi Freedom: J-STARS Briefing & E-8 Taxiing. 20Apr03 20Apr03 Pilots & airmen into room for Joint Surveillance Target Radar Attack Systems (J-STARS) Preflight Briefing & papers passed out. Men listen to several briefing officers. MCUs & CUs. GOOD. 11:01:11 Black 11:01:21 MCU Airman at electronics console for preflight check, watching gages / dials; CU fingers moving computer trackball. 11:01:35 Co-pilot in Northrop Grumman E-8 Joint STARS cockpit. 11:01:47 Two men / navigators at stations w/ preflight checks. 11:01:57 MS from in front of plane: pilot & co-pilot leaning out side windows & cleaning main windows. 11:02:04 Plane, tail number WR 0200, beginning taxi Military Invasion; 2000s; Air Force Operations; Technology; NOTE: E-8 based on Boeing 707-300 w/ radome under forward fuselage. NOTE: May combine w/ other complete short reels totaling to maximum 10 minutes for per reel rate

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