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Korean War - 1952, Body Armor / Armored Vests Repaired, Yong Chon, Korea May-Jun52
Slate: ??May52 Camera Curran AT 22 Roll 7. Sergeant picks up vests, weighs them & logs them.
07:18:26 Slate: 30May52 Roll 2. Soldier at table checks evaluation sheets (good for paperwork gag / shot).
07:19:12 Soldier takes vest from rack, removes envelope containing data,.
07:19:26 Slate: 30May52, camera: Curran, R3. Looks at paper, turns vest over & notes chalk mark on the garment, cuts & removes tiny fragment of bullet/ shell from vest.
07:20:29 Slate: same, R4. The fragment is weighed, noted & the vest repaired.
07:21:31 Slate: same, R5. Glue removed. Soldier lights cigarette in dramatic lighting & blows smoke.
07:22:13 Slate: 31May52, Curran, R1. Pilot & observer, both wearing armored vests & parachutes, climb into L-19. CUs of them in plane. The plane takes off from gravel strip.
07:23:12 Slate: 02Jun52 Curran, R1. Interior, 8055 MASH, Yong chon. A Corporal X-ray technician, walks in, adjusts equipment, X-rays an armored vest hit while being worn.
07:24:08 Slate: 02Jun52 Curran, R2. Howitzer team / HOW (180th Regiment, 45th Division) wearing armored vests & firing their piece.
07:25:09 Slate: 03Jun52 Curan, R1. Six officers seated around table as Lt Col Andrew A. Aines, CO of the Body Armor Test Team in Korea describes (MOS) to them the mission of their work in Korea.
07:25:12 Slate: same, R2. MCUs, MSs at table.
Repairs; Support Team; Research; Military Safety; Protection; Technology;
NOTE: Sold at per reel rate.
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at:
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Korean War - 1952, Body Armor / Armored Vests Repaired, Yong Chon, Korea May-Jun52 Slate: ??May52 Camera Curran AT 22 Roll 7. Sergeant picks up vests, weighs them & logs them. 07:18:26 Slate: 30May52 Roll 2. Soldier at table checks evaluation sheets (good for paperwork gag / shot). 07:19:12 Soldier takes vest from rack, removes envelope containing data,. 07:19:26 Slate: 30May52, camera: Curran, R3. Looks at paper, turns vest over & notes chalk mark on the garment, cuts & removes tiny fragment of bullet/ shell from vest. 07:20:29 Slate: same, R4. The fragment is weighed, noted & the vest repaired. 07:21:31 Slate: same, R5. Glue removed. Soldier lights cigarette in dramatic lighting & blows smoke. 07:22:13 Slate: 31May52, Curran, R1. Pilot & observer, both wearing armored vests & parachutes, climb into L-19. CUs of them in plane. The plane takes off from gravel strip. 07:23:12 Slate: 02Jun52 Curran, R1. Interior, 8055 MASH, Yong chon. A Corporal X-ray technician, walks in, adjusts equipment, X-rays an armored vest hit while being worn. 07:24:08 Slate: 02Jun52 Curran, R2. Howitzer team / HOW (180th Regiment, 45th Division) wearing armored vests & firing their piece. 07:25:09 Slate: 03Jun52 Curan, R1. Six officers seated around table as Lt Col Andrew A. Aines, CO of the Body Armor Test Team in Korea describes (MOS) to them the mission of their work in Korea. 07:25:12 Slate: same, R2. MCUs, MSs at table. Repairs; Support Team; Research; Military Safety; Protection; Technology; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: