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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221168-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1954
Country: USA,VARS
TC Begins: 12:26:52
TC Ends: 12:33:12
Duration: 00:06:20
Man And His Culture Pt 2 of 2 Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Woman leaving work, greeted by husband - VO says it is possible for her to violate “the culture trait that considers the woman’s place is in the home”; but not possible to have children out of wedlock. Couple arrives home, greeted by kids - that trait “too strong for her to attempt to violate”. 12:27:20 Contrasts US democratic discussion w/ Nazi type officers reading voter’s ballot paper. VO re changes in culture traits / diffusion - “primitive” cultures adopting traits of “advanced” ones & vice versa - examples inc. White man wear Indian moccasins & Indian man using “White man’s vehicles”. CUs technology & industry. 12:29:31 Buick car drives thru huge car lot - “engine is driven by fire” - montage illustrating ‘car culture’ of US w/ trucks, jalopy, kids dating (GOOD). 12:30:27 Old woman tells off granddaughter for wearing skimpy tennis shorts - “when I was a girl we wouldn’t have been caught dead with no more clothes on than that. My stars! What are our young people coming to these days?!” - VO points out that granddaughter’s male companion still makes sure he walks on the street side of her even though muddy roads no longer a problem. Military policemen saluting - originates from knights raising visors of helmets. More dialogue scenes illustrating resistance to change due to “vested interests” - factory worker “if they install those machines it’ll put half of us out of work within a year” etc. 12:31:43 Family in yard on sunny day, men mowing lawn. Tribal scenes & map of Africa dotted w/ “tiny culture groups”. Map of Europe - VO “The continent called Europe is largely covered by a huge civilized culture which is spread over many parts of the Earth...” - alien narrator sums up “...knowing the culture of any group charts the way to a fuller understanding of the people themselves”. Cultural Studies; Anthropology; Sociology; Social Etiquette; Sexism; Racism; Globalization; Science Fiction; Funny Dialogue. NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate.