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North American F-86 Breaks World Speed Record; Flying Wing bomber; Air Display

Reel Number: 221013-05

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1950

Country: USA

Location: Fort Bragg,North Carolina

TC Begins: 06:32:37

TC Ends: 06:41:58

Duration: 00:09:21

North American F-86 Breaks World Speed Record; Flying Wing bomber; Air Display Sabre Jet Fighter F-86 w/ USAF markings on tarmac, pilot boards, puts on helmet and oxygen mask. Plane taxis across desert plain and takes off. Aircraft in flight, MCU pilot visible in cockpit; plane peels off from camera. Aircraft streaks past in low altitude test flight. VS jet in flight. Plane lands, pilot out and congratulated by ground crew. 06:38:22 Brief shots black Flying Wing bomber in flight over mountains. Unid. bomber taking off and in flight. Boeing ? 06:39:10 Air display - grandstands w/ USAF officers watching. Series of explosions in field. Carpet bombing. Plane dive bombing over target on field. Squadron B-29s in formation flight over field. 06:41:08 Sound from here. Aircraft in flight. Jeep parachuted from plane. Paratroop drop. 06:41:26 Fort Bragg, North Carolina: multi wheeled truck over rough terrain. Wartime tank beside new 100 ton tank. Demonstration of small adapted tank traveling through water. Military Aviation. Post-WWII; 1950s; Cold War; Ppst-WW2; Aviation; Technology;

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