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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221239-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1947
Country: France
Location: Paris
TC Begins: 12:38:17
TC Ends: 13:01:09
Duration: 00:22:52
Pasteur’s Legacy (Main title missing) Pasteur doing work w/ microscope. Pressing grape juice, pouring wine; pouring milk. CU of hands and laboratory equipment, flasks, glass slides. Disease cultures produced & tested. 12:41:10 Chicken inoculated & put into cage, dies. Another chicken innoculated w/ less powerful germs & lives. 12:42:29 Shots of anthrax given to sheep; other shots to swine. Ext. of Pasteur Institute in Paris w/ statue. Developing anti-rabies vaccine w/ rabbits. Head cut off & spinal cord shown. Anti-rabies virus culture developed. 12:44:38 Woman & boy given anti-rabies vaccination. Lines of bottles of other materials developed by the Institute for commercial companies. Equipment shown & lab workers sterilizing equipment. Scientific fermentation undertaken to protect wine, yogurt, cheese, etc. 12:41:04 Woman & man at microscopes. Other chemical equipment used. 12:47:35 Meat fermented as basis for use against disease microbes. Vials filled by workers wearing masks, then sealed; packaged to be sent to doctors. 12:49:38 Anti-Tuberculosis vaccine BCG developed. Pasteur’s home used as a research facility. Blood is drawn from horses, turned into anti-toxins or toxoids for diphtheria. Child given serum. 12:53:10 Filtering diptheria toxins & mixing w/ additives. 12:53:48 Testing chemicals on animals: mice, guinea pigs, rabbits. 12:54:16 Using eggs as culture media. 12:55:08 Micro-centrifuge & ultra-centrifuge w/ electronic controls to measure rate of growth of various microbes. Graph & other apparatus. Thinly slicing material w/ automatic machine. High magnification of microbes. Brownian movement shown; also microbes of sleeping sickness. 12:57:54 Machine shown allowing movement of single microbes. Magnification of parts of the machine. Parasite removed from red corpuscle in a surgical operation. 13:00:02 Early equipment shown in comparison with new. Medicine; Medical Research; Immunization; Animal experimentation; Technology; Medical workers; Women Laboratory Workers; NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate.