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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220657-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1949,1940s
Country: USA
Location: Los Alamos, New mexico
TC Begins: 00:00:06
TC Ends: 00:10:41
Duration: 00:10:35
Post-WWII - 1949, USA: Nuclear & Atomic - Los Alamos AEC Views Aerial over housing & multi-story buildings w/ snow on ground. Surrounding countryside w/ canyons & mountains. 00:00:58 Summer, hillside across canyon w/ some trees & eroded hillsides. 00:01:23 CU & MS Sign: U.S. Government Property, Danger, Keep Out (in English & Spanish). 00:01:31 Cars past along paved mountain road on cliff. LS along road toward security checkpoint w/ car & truck away from camera approaching checkpoint. 00:02:01 LS telephoto shot of houses, barracks & water tower thru trees. 00:02:12 Lines of cars stopped at entrance check point; papers being checked. MS Workers cars & trucks checked thru. 00:02:53 CU Sign: Los Alamos Project Main Gate - Passes Must Be Present To Guards” Tilt down to men waiting; cars arriving. Passes checked, seen from inside car & outside. CUs, MS. 00:04:17 Workers walking in past soldier w/ clipboard beside wire mesh fence. 00:04:34 Workers passing thru Army guard post. CU sign: Visitors Passes. Pasos Para Visitantes. 00:04:52 LS across trailer park & trailer houses. 00:04:59 Ext. Log Los Alamos Ranch Trading post, w/ CU of sign. Direction sign: U. of Cal. Office, Fire Station, Tech Area etc. 00:05:58 LS Pan cement block houses on valley floor. CU sign: Manager, Assistant Manager, Administrative Assistant, Atomic Energy ? Santa Fe Area. 00:06:07 MS Cement block houses, duplexes; pan across. 00:06:30 MS Workers in & out United States Post Office, Los Alamos, New Mexico w/ sign on roof. 00:06:42 People walking up sidewalk to large rustic log building. CU man talking on street (MOS). LS people walking gravel street w/ parking & lookout tower on building behind, cars past. Two unid. men talking; daily life street scene & street. Fire Department (brief). Schools, kids run to camera, past. 00:08:32 Los Alamos Times sign on building; CU small newspaper printing press drum turning & inking. North American / Native American Indian man w/ braided hair running press. CU newspapers off press; CU face. 00:09:54 Ext. Sign over entrance: Headquarters U.S. Atomic Energy Security Service. Soldiers / sentries watch men entering & exiting. 00:10:14 Military police in white helmets marching past w/ barracks behind. 00:10:29 Observation tower & MPs watching from balcony, trees behind. Post-WW2; Atom Bomb Research / Development; New Mexico; 1940s; Government Company Town; Ethnic; 1940s; 1950s; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate.