Radiological Defense Pt 1 of 2
Man at desk, pan across empty but “ready” Radiological Defense Operations Room, nerve center for survival“ w/ woman at typewriter, move into communications room. CU typewriter typing title & “Map w/ fallout pattern 100 Roentgens per hour from detonation passes” Man tears off from teletypewriter; people at work, men putting stickers on large map of US east coast.
15:03:01 Illustration of fallout pattern over US map. Trucking shot along established suburban homes, tall trees, boys on bicycles. Sidewalk of town & people talking in front of stores.
15:03:43 Illustration, drawing, of mushroom cloud & animated pattern over countryside. VO statistics of spread. Man drawing on wall map. “How do we know all this? From practical experience”.
15:04:30 Aerial above clouds of pacific atomic blast. Drawing of mushroom cloud w/ fallout pattern. Overlaid from NYC to Washington DC. Highway shot; many pedestrians in city; Map w/ marker put over St. Louis & drawing of pattern of spread of fallout.
15:05:53 Newspaper w/ Fallout Heavy - CD Test headline. City shot. Still of brick building damage.
15:06:19 Water reservoir; grain field; corn field; dairy cattle into barn. Atomic sign put on fence post.
15:07:46 Elementary school class, teacher in front of blackboard w/ radiation roentgen written. Teacher explains its natural: from core of earth & rays from outer space. Man walking on street, lying in hospital bed as though dying.
15:08:45 Cartoon of group of people, replaced by hospital beds. Drawing of family in fallout shelter.
15:09:08 Two men at electronic console, countdown & atomic explosion. Slow motion of warehouse-type building & effect, walls collapsing. Mushroom cloud growing seen from above over Nevada.
15:10:05 Silhouette drawing of bullet-like projectile; heading to city. Drawing w/ particles. Large actual dark mushroom cloud. Microscope (?) of tiny particles “...dropped back to earth.” VO 3 factors give effect: size of particles, height to which carried, wind speed; coupled w/ close-in (few hundred miles), intermediate (w/in few weeks covering thousands of square miles), delayed fallout (may drift around earth for several times & not drop for several years).
15:11:52 RADEF Classroom w/ man lecturing “...close in fallout is our real problem in radiological defense...” Illustration of atomic cloud, particles & wind. Man taking wind information from anemometer. MCU men listening. VO re decay rates.
15:13:18 MS father, mother & small child listening to radio in fallout shelter. CU man & chart explaining decay rate of fallout. Explains in addition to time, distance & mass reduce effect. Continued...
Cold War Preparations; Defenses; Atomic Bomb; Hydrogen Bomb; Civil Defense Agency; Americana 1950s;
1960s; Bomb Shelters; Technology; Protection; Safety;
NOTE: Any ten continuous minutes priced at per reel rate.
Radiological Defense Pt 1 of 2 Man at desk, pan across empty but “ready” Radiological Defense Operations Room, nerve center for survival“ w/ woman at typewriter, move into communications room. CU typewriter typing title & “Map w/ fallout pattern 100 Roentgens per hour from detonation passes” Man tears off from teletypewriter; people at work, men putting stickers on large map of US east coast. 15:03:01 Illustration of fallout pattern over US map. Trucking shot along established suburban homes, tall trees, boys on bicycles. Sidewalk of town & people talking in front of stores. 15:03:43 Illustration, drawing, of mushroom cloud & animated pattern over countryside. VO statistics of spread. Man drawing on wall map. “How do we know all this? From practical experience”. 15:04:30 Aerial above clouds of pacific atomic blast. Drawing of mushroom cloud w/ fallout pattern. Overlaid from NYC to Washington DC. Highway shot; many pedestrians in city; Map w/ marker put over St. Louis & drawing of pattern of spread of fallout. 15:05:53 Newspaper w/ Fallout Heavy - CD Test headline. City shot. Still of brick building damage. 15:06:19 Water reservoir; grain field; corn field; dairy cattle into barn. Atomic sign put on fence post. 15:07:46 Elementary school class, teacher in front of blackboard w/ radiation roentgen written. Teacher explains its natural: from core of earth & rays from outer space. Man walking on street, lying in hospital bed as though dying. 15:08:45 Cartoon of group of people, replaced by hospital beds. Drawing of family in fallout shelter. 15:09:08 Two men at electronic console, countdown & atomic explosion. Slow motion of warehouse-type building & effect, walls collapsing. Mushroom cloud growing seen from above over Nevada. 15:10:05 Silhouette drawing of bullet-like projectile; heading to city. Drawing w/ particles. Large actual dark mushroom cloud. Microscope (?) of tiny particles “...dropped back to earth.” VO 3 factors give effect: size of particles, height to which carried, wind speed; coupled w/ close-in (few hundred miles), intermediate (w/in few weeks covering thousands of square miles), delayed fallout (may drift around earth for several times & not drop for several years). 15:11:52 RADEF Classroom w/ man lecturing “...close in fallout is our real problem in radiological defense...” Illustration of atomic cloud, particles & wind. Man taking wind information from anemometer. MCU men listening. VO re decay rates. 15:13:18 MS father, mother & small child listening to radio in fallout shelter. CU man & chart explaining decay rate of fallout. Explains in addition to time, distance & mass reduce effect. Continued... Cold War Preparations; Defenses; Atomic Bomb; Hydrogen Bomb; Civil Defense Agency; Americana 1950s; 1960s; Bomb Shelters; Technology; Protection; Safety; NOTE: Any ten continuous minutes priced at per reel rate.