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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221284-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1953
Country: USA
TC Begins: 04:09:41
TC Ends: 04:18:21
Duration: 00:08:40
Science And Agriculture (The Story of Soybeans) (Second Edition) Encyclopaedia Britannica Chinese & others farming w/ ox, horses, tractors. Plowing. Chemical spraying; feeding pigs in large pen. Discing. Scientist w/ chemical glassware. 04:10:59 Chinese man in soybean field, looking at side CU in hand; cutting by hand. Soybean experiment station in US w/ man looking at plants in various stages of development. Agronomist pulls up plant & checks roots & their nodules. Laboratory & man to cabinet & gets bottle; farmer mixing peat mix & inoculating soybean seed. Man in field checking field; man cutting of hay. Woman picking beans in garden; man in field w/ combine harvesting field of soybeans & unloading into truck & elevator. 04:14:36 Laboratory chemist mixing ?; products shown. Beans cracked in large machines & other treatment of beans to remove oil & filtered. Products shown: margarine, shortening, salad dressing, paints, linoleum. Residue from making oil fed to cattle. Industrial chemist working to develop plastics from soybean residue. 04:16:14 Mixer at work & material tested. Pour into mold & put in hydraulic press to fuse soybean meal into plastic & tested for strength, etc. Farmers talking to scientists. The End. Crops; Inventions; Technology;