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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221704-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: USA
Location: Michigan
TC Begins: 16:46:31
TC Ends: 16:56:59
Duration: 00:10:28
Pt. 1 of 2 16:46:35 Conestoga covered wagon thru trees & brush on dirt road. Blacksmiths at forge pounding metal. Measuring wagon wheel w/ “the travelor” to make metal rim. Building Conestoga wagon, measuring w/ calipers. Mounting wheel on axle. 16:48:00 Chimneys, raw materials unloaded out of ore carriers by men riding in large shovels. CU laboratory test tubes heated, etc. 16:48:32 Mosaic of steel mill. Steel rolling. Parts on assembly line moving by hanging or gravity feed. Quality checked in laboratory; researchers testing. Woman in fur coat admiring car interior & upholstery shown. Fadeometer used to accelerate testing of colors. 16:49:40 Boy & dog bouncing in car; accelerated testing of upholstery by machines to show durability of fabrics. 16:50:14 Woman w/ knife in kitchen cutting roll of bologna sausage. Steel on car shown to withstand scratches. Women admiring car finish. Salt Spray room to test w/ warm spray on chrome & other car parts. Moving parts tested. Couple w/ man stroking woman’s velvet coat. Machine to test gears, smoothness of metals. 16:51:40 Graph of smoothness of types of glass, pistons, etc. 16:52:16 Man being x-rayed on table; industrial x-ray of crankshaft in lead-lined room. Engineer looking at resultant x-ray. Tension & compression machine to test gear teeth. Twisting axles to test steel toughness. 16:54:12 Boy bending wire many times till it breaks from fatigue. Truck axle bouncing over rough ground; machine testing for fatigue. Blacksmiths at forge w/ bellows. Large steel mill pouring buckets. 16:55:16 Woman testing soup on kitchen stove. 16:55:26 Men analyzing samples of steel after cooling using spectrograph to see “rainbow” of the steel. Men measuring lines and sending back by pneumatic tube for quick correction in the foundry. 1940s Sponsored Educational Film; Manufacturing processes; Industrialization; Automobiles; Technology; Heavy Industry; NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate.