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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221704-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: USA
Location: Michigan
TC Begins: 16:56:59
TC Ends: 17:06:08
Duration: 00:09:09
Continued... Pt. 2 of 2 Factory laboratories within factory near the floor. 16:57:11 Baby chewing rubber teething ring; tires tested, fan belts and body mounting parts. POV past offices of quality control & testing. 16:57:46 Gages. Piston pin inspection machine as an example of gaging. Every piston pin is sorted. Cam shafts and camshaft inspection machine. 16:58:27 Roller-skaters in circus spinning; crankshafts being checked for balance. Balancing acrobats on high wire. Valve seat inserts tested, compared to ping pong balls by the way they bounce. Machine that bounces them shown. 17:00:01 Testing gauges w/ Johansonn Gage Blocks. Car off assembly line to be tested on test track & in weather tunnel where car on treadmill, at speed, ices up; tabulating & gathering data in control room. Other tests applied by changing drag, air pressure, dust and sand, rain etc. 17:02:29 Removed from tunnel w/ heavy ice covering and driven around test track. 17:02:52 Testing in windtunnel for drag. 17:03:48 Driving over blocks and measuring sound noise within the car w/ special microphones. Man put in trunk to measure sound. 17:04:59 Car bouncing down heavy bumps. Good gag material. Oddities. 17:05:34 Montage of machines working during assembly and tests previously shown. 1940s Sponsored Educational Film; Manufacturing processes; Industrialization; Automobiles; Technology; Heavy Industry; NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate.